Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chapter 8 : Appalachia

Appalachia vs. Las Vegas
Most of Appalachia area is formed mountains. There are the Blue Ridge province which containing the Great Smoky Mountains, Ridge and Valley Province which containing the Great Valley, Appalachian Plateaus and Interior Plateau which is Nashville and Lexington basins. Basically, Appalachia area is mountains, and Las Vegas city is in desert area so they totally opposite. Therefor Appalachia's climate is humid climate which with precipitation is about 40-45 inches annually and 1/4 of its precipitation falls in the form of snow. In the Blue Ridge Mountains bordering the Piedmont receive the most rain in the eastern United States, about 80 inches annually. 

Jobs / Appalachia vs. Las Vegas
Appalachia area's major job was coal mining. But recently, the coal mining job opportunity decreased and also the population of Appalachia decreased. The coalfield jobs were favored in the early twentieth century, but after the lost favor to oil, it resulting the decrease of population. The coal mining is dirty so it caused the water pollution. Coal is not pure carbon but contains toxic by products that need to be removed to meet clean air and water regulations. But in Las Vegas city, the major industries of job is tourism. Appalachia relies on natural resources for economy, and Las Vegas city relies on tourism for economy.

Race of Appalachia vs. Las Vegas

The racial makeup of the state was 94 percent White, 3.4 percent Black, 1.2 Hispanic, and 0.6 Asians. As compare to Las Vegas, 62 percent White, 11 percent Black, 31 percent Hispanic, and 6.1 Asians, so the Las Vegas has more diversity race than Appalachia. 

Water issue of Appalachia vs. Las Vegas
Delaware river
The water issue in Las Vegas is the serious problem. But in Appalachia, water is plentiful. Northern rivers in Appalachia are the Delaware, Susquehanna, Potomac, and James. Southern rivers in Appalachia are the Nolichucky, Holston. Therefore, Appalachia is not the area of water shortage issue, but Las Vegas.