Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chpater 4 : Population and Consumption

Population Growth
Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the United States. During 2000 to 2010, the population grew at a rate of 22.01%. The population is now approximately 583,756 people with 36 million annual visitors. The population growth rate of the Nevada state is 35.15% which is more than population growth rate of Las Vegas city and it is higher than national average growth rate which is 9.71%. 

Population Density
The population density of Las Vegas is 4298.1 per square mile. It is very higher than Nevada state density which is 24.42 people per square mile and also higher than national average density of 81.32 people per square mile. 

Population by Races
The highest race of people who live in Las Vegas city is White which is 62.1%. Second high race is Hispanic or Latino which is 31.5%. The Black or African American rate is 11.1%, and Asian rate is 6.1%. Rest of the races are Native American (0.7%), Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (0.6%), and etc.

Population by Gender

Population by Age
The most highest population is the age between 35 to 44 years old which is 14.19%. The lowest population is the age between 85 years and over which is 1.16%. According to the graph and the chart, we can assume that Las Vegas city is not that old age city. The Median age of Las Vegas is 35.90 years old which is less than Nevada States and national median age which are 36.30 and 37.20. The Median age by gender is very similar. Male is 35.20 years old and Female is 36.50 years old so the Female Median age is little higher than Male Median age.

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