Monday, December 2, 2013

Chapter 20 : Hawaii

Hawaii vs. Las Vegas
 Hawaii is the paradise of Unites States. Most beautiful island in the world. It formed 132 volcanically islands, reefs, atolls, and shoals compose the 1500 miles Hawaiian archipelago. There are 8 populated islands and among that, the state of Hawai'i is the largest. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean about 2100 miles of the U.S. mainland. Hawaii is the background of movie "Pearl Harbor".

Climate Hawaii vs. Las Vegas
Hawaii is tropical climate which is warm all year. The average rainfall varies between the windward - 400 inches, and leeward - 10 inches, but average is 45 inches annually. Most of rainy season is October to March. You can consider these month for visiting Hawaii. In summer, 85'F, in winter, 78'F. At the high elevations, temperature average 40'F. As compare to Las Vegas, mostly temperature is about same, warm weather but Hawaii is dry leeward and not dry windward.

Tourism Hawaii vs. Las Vegas

Tourism is most biggest industry of Hawaii also for Las Vegas. In 1950, there were only 40 thousands tourists visited. But now, 6.5 million visitors now. It is $10 billion tourists industry also provides construction and service jobs which is about 32 percent of all jobs in Hawaii. As compare to Las Vegas, they gain income from tourism also. Annual visitors population is about 36 million.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Chapter 19 : California

California vs. Las Vegas
Los Angeles is second largest city in United States. Los Angeles has lots of earthquakes in the past, and sometimes for recently. In 1994, there was a big earthquake in Northridge, it was 6.7. We did some earthquakes fire drill sometimes which is really needed. For this earthquake, Las Vegas was also got damaged but not that much of Northridge.

Climate of California vs. Las Vegas
California's weather is so good. It is not too much to say that Loas Angeles is the Angel's city. Mediterranean precipitation and not that hot summer and not that cold winter. Annual temperature is 50'F to 80'F. But in Valley, sometimes in summer, temperature will over 100'F. It is hard to see snow in California but in the Sierras, snow packs of ten feet or more are common. As compare to Las Vegas, it has hot summer and not cold winter but it is really dry, annual precipitation is about 45 inches a year.

Homeless of California vs. Las Vegas
Homeless is one of the serious issue of California. Homeless population is up to 82 thousand, and homeless chose their home as Los Angeles because it has good weather and warm temperature. As compare to Las Vegas, it is hard to see homeless around main street. I think it because hotels are securing their territory. They also might have lots of homeless because of the gambling. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Chapter 17 : Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest vs. Las Vegas

Pacific Northwest region includes Northern California, Western Oregon, Western Washington, and Vancouver, Canada. The three major cities of this region are Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver. Those three cities are well developed then other cities in Pacific Northwest region.

Climate of Pacific Northwest vs. Las Vegas
Pacific Northwest Precipitation

In Pacific Northwest, for three seasons, the temperate is marine climate which brings plentiful precipitation. In Vancouver, they got 250 inches annually, and Mount Olympus receives more than 200 inches annually. As compare to Las Vegas, they got about 45 inches annually, which is really dry.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Chapter 15 & 16 : The Rocky Mountain and Intermontane

Rocky Mountain & Intermontane Videos
Rocky Mountain
Las Vegas is one of the city in Intermontane.

Rocky Mountain is the one of the biggest mountain of North America. 

The Rocky Mountain was the hunting place for Native Americans. After the first Europeans arrived and they hunted Beaver for their fur, beavers almost to extinction but their fur were not used anymore because the fashion trend got changed. Thanks god.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 14 : The Great Plains and Canadian Prairie

Great Plains vs. Las Vegas

Climate of Great Plains vs. Las Vegas
The Pacific air mass moves eastward and has it's moisture lost as it crosses over mountain ranges. The Great Plains are in the rain shadow of the Rocky Mountains. The western part of the Plains' precipitation is lacked because of the rain shadow, but eastern part of Plains are more affected by the Gulf Coast air mass so it is more humid than western Plains. The Precipitation for a year is about less than 20 inches which is very dry. Compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas is most driest city in U.S.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chapter 13 : The Midwest

Climate of Midwest vs. Las Vegas
The Midwest lack of natural barriers allowing winds to blow freely across the prairie. Since 1960, the weather station realized Midwest's weather god changed. It became including extreme rain and hottest temperature so resulting in increased evaporation and drought. So Midwest is worrying about to lose of agriculture industry because of their weather got changed. Midwest has transitional spring and fall to the longer, hot and humid summer and cold winter. Compare to Las Vegas, it has same hot summer but not humid, driest, and warm winter.

Lakes of Midwest vs. Las Vegas
The Great Lakes hold about 20 percent of the world's freshwater. Great Lakes is including Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario lakes. New Orleans main source of water comes from the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. But both of water sources doesn't not consist of freshwater. The lake levels is decreasing throughout history. The biggest reason of declining water level is the consistent with climate change forecasts. Other reasons is rising lake temperatures, higher wind speeds that reduce ice cover, and accelerated evaporation. Las Vegas is also worrying about the decreasing water level of lake Mead. The water is so important to every living things. Should saving the water more.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Chapter 12 : The Ozarks

Ozarks vs. Las Vegas

Ozarks region includes Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. By the 1950, the Ozarks were known locally as a land of opportunity although outsiders considered the region backwards. But now, Ozarks is suffering by poverty. Compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas became the most fastest growing city in the United States and it became opportunity land, and American-dream.

Climate of Ozarks vs. Las Vegas
Ozarks's four distinct but temperate seasons range from 80'F average. Ozarks has very humid and rainy summers, annual precipitation is about 40 to 48 inches. In January, average temperature is 34'F. In the winter, snows are brief because of diurnal temperature variations. As compare to Las Vegas, the annual average temperture of Las Vegas is 66.3'F. In summer, average daily temperature is 92.5'F, night-time temperture is above 80'F. Las Vegas's winter is very short. In winter, average temperature is 47.7'F. Las Vegas is not rainy city. It is very dry city, humidity is very low. Annual precipitation is about 110 mm. The rainy days is 26-27 days a year. So it is really good city for tour.

Economy of Ozarks vs. Las Vegas
Economy of Ozarks is productive. They raise chicken. Arkansas is the second-largest chicken producer in the United States. Also they rely on Mineral resources, and logging. As compare to Las Vegas, tourism is the biggest industry and lead the economy in Las Vegas.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Chapter 11 : Gulf Coastal Plains and Mississippi Valley

Gulf Coastal Plains vs. Las Vegas

The Gulf coastal Plains includes Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. This region is in danger of Hurricane. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged 80 percent of the city. Rebuilding has been so slow. In New Orleans' population and demographics changed after Katrina's flooding. By June 2006, population estimates in the New Orleans metropolitan are had dropped from over a million to 700,000 and the city was at one-third of its pre-flood population. It is so different with Las Vegas because Las Vegas doens't have that much of rain in a year.

Climate of 
Gulf Coastal Plains vs. Las Vegas
Gulf Coastal Plains' global landscape at 30' north latitude. Cold winter and spring precipitation from a high of 90 inches along the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain tapering to seven inches along the southernmost Rio Grande Plain. During the growing season, thunderstorms and accompanying lightening are almost daily occurrences. The warm, humid region experiences occasional frosts that limit the growing season to 200 to 240 days. As compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas is the most driest city in United States, and also Las Vegas doesn't have any Hurricane or thunderstorms. In Gulf Coastal Plains, June through November is hurricane season and a cause for concern along the Gulf Coast. Massive tropical storm brings with high wind speeds, thunderstorms, and storm surges that can flood the low-lying coast.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chapter 10 : Florida

Florida vs. Las Vegas
Florida is different with topography and formation because Florida was once geologically part of North Africa. It may submerge due to sea level shift caused by climate change. Some of super computers predict that Florida could be underwater by 2100.

Climate of Florida vs. Las Vegas
Florida's climate
Las Vegas's climate
Northern Florida climate is humid subtropical(Koppen: Cfa), and costal areas (southern) has a true tropical climate (Koppen: Aw). As compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas has subtropical, hot desert climate (Koppen: BWh) which is very hot and dry weather. The hottest temperature of Florida was 109'F and coldest temperature was -2'F. Average temperature of Florida is about 70.7'F. As you can see the temperature, Florida is not that cold area. But they rarely receives snow when a combination of cold moisture and freezing temperature. Florida is the one of the highest precipitation levels of any state but "Sunshine State" is the nickname of Florida. Because eastern part of state receives between 2,400 to 2,800 hours of sunshine annually, and Miami receives between 2,800 to 3,200 hours annually. Florida is the danger area of Hurricane. During 1851 to 2006, they got 114 hurricanes, and 37 of them was major. In 2004, hurricane damaged Florida about 45 billion dollars.

Race of Florida vs. Las Vegas
Florida's race can divide up to two demographic groups which are Cubans and retirees. 2/3 of all Cubans living in America live in Florida, and 3/4 Cubans living in Miami. Also Florida has the highest percentage of foreign-born residents. The racial and ethnic breakdown is, 75% white, 22.5% Hispanic, 16% black, 2.4% Asian. As compare to Las vegas, 62% white, 11% black, 31% Hispanic, and 6.1 Asians.

Tourism of Florida vs. Las Vegas

 "Tourism is the number one industry in Florida" (Mayda, pg.251). In also Las Vegas, it is not much to say that tourism makes Las Vegas people to alive. Florida has 80 million visitors annually, Las Vegas has 36 million. In Florida, has an economic impact of $57 billion annually, but it also has disadvantages which are increasing traffic, health care for retirees, public safety, and environmental destruction. But these disadvantages could be the issues for all tourism-based cities. It should be solved as soon as possible, if it's not, maybe later, we cannot tour those areas anymore.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapter 9 : South Atlantic

South Atlantic vs. Las Vegas
South Atlantic region includes Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The subregions of the Atlantic coastal region between Virginia and Georgia, from the coast through the Piedmont. There are three major subregions which are Southeastern Coast, Southeastern Plain, Piedmont.

Water of South Atlantic vs. Las Vegas
South Atlantic region got ample precipitation throughout the year. They lost about 70 percent of the rainwater by evapotranspiration and the remainder replenishes regional aquifers and streams. There are few lakes along the coastal region from Delaware to Florida which called Carolina bays. As compare to Las Vegas, South Atlantic region has enough precipitation (rainwater), but Las Vegas got only 4 inches of rain per year. Also Las Vegas will suffer by water shortage issue by 2020 because of Lake Mead's water level keeps decreasing.

Climate of South Atlantic vs. Las Vegas
South Atlantic has hot, humid, rainy summers and mild winters in which temperatures rarely drop below freezing. The annual precipitation is about 50 inches in brief thunderstorm torrents or cold winter drizzles. The coastal plain is warmer than the Piedmont, but the humidity is high. As compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas is most driest city in United States. If Las Vegas summer is hot, it is just hot without humidity but in Piedmont, the temperature is high and humidity is high so it gets people tried so easily. During summer season, the hurricanes and tropical storms can inundate both the shoreline and inland areas.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chapter 8 : Appalachia

Appalachia vs. Las Vegas
Most of Appalachia area is formed mountains. There are the Blue Ridge province which containing the Great Smoky Mountains, Ridge and Valley Province which containing the Great Valley, Appalachian Plateaus and Interior Plateau which is Nashville and Lexington basins. Basically, Appalachia area is mountains, and Las Vegas city is in desert area so they totally opposite. Therefor Appalachia's climate is humid climate which with precipitation is about 40-45 inches annually and 1/4 of its precipitation falls in the form of snow. In the Blue Ridge Mountains bordering the Piedmont receive the most rain in the eastern United States, about 80 inches annually. 

Jobs / Appalachia vs. Las Vegas
Appalachia area's major job was coal mining. But recently, the coal mining job opportunity decreased and also the population of Appalachia decreased. The coalfield jobs were favored in the early twentieth century, but after the lost favor to oil, it resulting the decrease of population. The coal mining is dirty so it caused the water pollution. Coal is not pure carbon but contains toxic by products that need to be removed to meet clean air and water regulations. But in Las Vegas city, the major industries of job is tourism. Appalachia relies on natural resources for economy, and Las Vegas city relies on tourism for economy.

Race of Appalachia vs. Las Vegas

The racial makeup of the state was 94 percent White, 3.4 percent Black, 1.2 Hispanic, and 0.6 Asians. As compare to Las Vegas, 62 percent White, 11 percent Black, 31 percent Hispanic, and 6.1 Asians, so the Las Vegas has more diversity race than Appalachia. 

Water issue of Appalachia vs. Las Vegas
Delaware river
The water issue in Las Vegas is the serious problem. But in Appalachia, water is plentiful. Northern rivers in Appalachia are the Delaware, Susquehanna, Potomac, and James. Southern rivers in Appalachia are the Nolichucky, Holston. Therefore, Appalachia is not the area of water shortage issue, but Las Vegas.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Chapter 7 : Megalopolis

Megalopolis vs. Las Vegas
The word, Megalopolis is Greek for "very large city" which an extended urban area with millions of people. Megalopolis includes Merrimack Valley, Boston, Narragansett Basin, Connecticut River Valley, Albany and the Hudson River Valley, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C. This area has the greatest wealth and greatest poverty and it made 1/4 of all United States wholesale trade. Megalopolis waterways are plentiful along the Megalopolis coast. There are five major rivers which are the Connecticut, Hudson, Delaware, Susquehanna and Potomac which flow from their Appalachian headwaters to the sea. Las Vegas relies on Lake Mead but that lake's water level is keep decreasing and some of exports predicts the Lake Mead is going to empty by 2021. But I think Megalopolis doesn't need to worry about the water issues because they have tons of rivers. 

Climate of Megalopolis vs. Las Vegas
The Climate of Megalopolis is humid in the summer, winter is cold. The annual average precipitation is 40-45 inches. In summer, the thunderstorms bring considerable precipitation, and hurricane might cause of damage coastal areas. Also the Acid rain is serious problem in Megalopolis area. As compare to Las Vegas, Megalopolis has more humidity than Las Vegas and also for precipitation, about 40 inches more than Las Vegas.

Population of Megalopolis vs. Las Vegas
The urban density is decreasing in Megalopolis area. Between 1983 and 1997, the urbanized area grew by 39% but the population increased only 7%. It cause of not conductive to the sustainable attributes of compact housing and more efficient transportation patters. Five major metropolitan areas has more than 54 million people. Even the population is not that much increased, New Jersey's population density is over 1,000 people per mile. In the northern metropolitan area's--Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut-- densities of populations is over 100 people per square mile. As compare to Las Vegas city which is 4296 per square mile, metropolitan population density is much less than Las Vegas city. 

Tourism of Megalopolis vs. Las Vegas
Tourism is the one of substantial for both Megalopolis area and Las Vegas city. New York City is the largest attraction among the Megalopolis area which has the Empire State Building, the Natural History Museum, Ellis Island Museum, etc..) Also in Manhattan, there is Statue of Liberty which is most popular statue all over the world. Even in Las Vegas city, there is a hotel called "New York New York" which has Statue of Liberty for their decoration. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Chpater 6 : The North Atlantic Provinces and Northern New England

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Portland, Maine

In North Atlantic Provence and Northern New England, the climate is the maritime influence along the coast of the North Atlantic moderates regional temperature throughout the year, but because of prevailing winds does not reach too much into the interior. North Atlantic region's winter is longer than Las Vegas and with continuous snow cover. Las Vegas never snow during winter. The average temperature of North Atlantic is rarely above 90'F, drop below 1'F, which means it is cold region than Las Vegas because Las Vegas average temperature is 92.5'F and 47'F. The precipitation is 40-55 inches annually. Las Vegas precipitation is 4.2 inches a year so as compare to this, North Atlantic region's humidity is not low. Las Vegas is the most driest city in United States.

The population of North Atlantic region has been stable at best. The job opportunities decreased and emigration is increasing. But Las Vegas is different. Las Vegas is the most fastest growing city in United States because of tourism. There are 36 million visitors annually, also the emigration is increasing.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chpater 4 : Population and Consumption

Population Growth
Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the United States. During 2000 to 2010, the population grew at a rate of 22.01%. The population is now approximately 583,756 people with 36 million annual visitors. The population growth rate of the Nevada state is 35.15% which is more than population growth rate of Las Vegas city and it is higher than national average growth rate which is 9.71%. 

Population Density
The population density of Las Vegas is 4298.1 per square mile. It is very higher than Nevada state density which is 24.42 people per square mile and also higher than national average density of 81.32 people per square mile. 

Population by Races
The highest race of people who live in Las Vegas city is White which is 62.1%. Second high race is Hispanic or Latino which is 31.5%. The Black or African American rate is 11.1%, and Asian rate is 6.1%. Rest of the races are Native American (0.7%), Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (0.6%), and etc.

Population by Gender

Population by Age
The most highest population is the age between 35 to 44 years old which is 14.19%. The lowest population is the age between 85 years and over which is 1.16%. According to the graph and the chart, we can assume that Las Vegas city is not that old age city. The Median age of Las Vegas is 35.90 years old which is less than Nevada States and national median age which are 36.30 and 37.20. The Median age by gender is very similar. Male is 35.20 years old and Female is 36.50 years old so the Female Median age is little higher than Male Median age.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chpater 3 : Sustainability

Solar Energy

The solar energy is the big part of renewable energy for Las Vegas. The Southern Nevada is the best places in the United States to collect solar energy because Las Vegas has 250 days of sunshine each year. Since 2007, 400 acre solar plant produced enough solar energy for 14,000 homes. Also to establish the solar plant created 800 construction jobs and 30 permanent operations jobs. Nevada is expecting to produce more solar power about 2,000 megawatts capacity by 2014. The solar energy industry is rapidly developing in Las Vegas.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy is produced by Humboldt County's Blue Mountain which is in northwestern Nevada. The Las Vegas is southern Nevada so Geothermal Energy is not produces by my chosen city but Las Vegas is also getting Geothermal Energy from Blue Mountain. In taps of the Blue Mountain, the geothermal power plant boiling hot water just beneath the earth's surface, it converts it into electricity for 40,000 homes. Geothermal Energy creates 7 percent of Nevada's electricity and create more than 2,500 jobs and generate $310 million in revenue each year.


Lake Mead is the major source of Las Vegas's water supply. Lake Mead has a storage capacity of 24 million-acre-feet(MAF) and the current volume of Lake Mead is 12.361 MAF, which is 56.75% of full-pool capacity. Las Vegas city uses over 500,000 acre-feet of water annually and over 90% of water came from Lake Mead. Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the Unites States. During 2000 to 2010, the population grew at a rate of 41.8%. The population is approximately 2 million people with 36 million annual visitors. We can't live without water. But the Lake Mead water level is continually dropping.

Wind Energy 

LasVegas has the potential to make more than half its electricity needs through wind energy, but there is no wind energy plant yet. Many Wind Energy projects are on the stage of development.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Chpater 2 : The Nonhuman World

Las Vegas's climate is very good for visitors. The annual average temperture of Las Vegas is 66.3'F. In summer, average daily temperture is 92.5'F, night-time temperture is above 80'F. Las Vegas's winter is very short. In winter, average temperture is 47.7'F. Las Vegas is not rainy city. It is very dry city, humidity is very low. Annual precipitation is about 110mm. The rainy days is 26-27 days a year. So it is really good city for tour.

Las Vegas is located in middle of Vegas Valley, a desert region of about 600 square miles. It is surrounded by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Spring Mountains which indicate dry mountains. It is within Clark County in an arid basin on the desert floor. Its landscape is very rocky and dusty. The Coordinates of this city is 36°10′30″N 115°08′11″W. the distance between Las Vegas and CSUN is 286 miles which takes 4 hours and 7 minutes drive. Nevada is the ranked 7th states in the United States and its neighbor states are California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Arizona.

Las Vegas lies within both the Great Basin and Mojave Desert. It drains a 1,564 square mile watershed southeastward through Las Vegas Wash into Lake Mead. The area of Las Vegas is about 135.8 square miles, 135.81 square miles (99.97%) is land and 0.05 square miles (0.03%)  is water. The elevation of Las Vegas is aroung 2,030ft above sea level.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chpater 1 : Regions and Ecoregions

Welcome to Las Vegas. 
It is not too much say that Las Vegas is the most exciting city in the world.
Las Vegas has lots of nicknames; Vegas, The Gambling Capital of the World, Sin City, The Entertainment Capital of the World, Capital of Second Chances, The Marriage Capital of the World and Lost Wages.

The location of Las Vegas in Southern part of  Nevada state, and the distance between Las Vegas and CSUN is 286 miles which takes 4 hours and 7 minutes drive. Nevada is the ranked 7th states in the United States and its neighbor states are California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. The area of this city is 135.8 square miles. Las Vegas is the metropolitan area which means a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. There is a Colorado River (Hoover Dam) next to Las Vegas.

Population is about 596,000. About 70% of population is White, about 24% of Hispanic and 10% is Black. The amount of Asian rate is increasing rapidly.

Las Vegas is the most driest city in the United States. It is subtropical, hot desert climate. (BWh). Because Las Vegas is in Mojave desert. In summer, the average temperature 92.5'F (33.6'C) daytime, in night-time's average temperature is 80'F (27'C). Humidity is very low which is under 10%. Winter is not that cold which average temperature is about 47'F.

Las Vegas's major income is from gambling, tourism and convention. Many people are coming to Las Vegas for their wedding and honeymoon. Even if the world's economy has been fallen, Las Vegas did not get that much of affected.