Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chapter 10 : Florida

Florida vs. Las Vegas
Florida is different with topography and formation because Florida was once geologically part of North Africa. It may submerge due to sea level shift caused by climate change. Some of super computers predict that Florida could be underwater by 2100.

Climate of Florida vs. Las Vegas
Florida's climate
Las Vegas's climate
Northern Florida climate is humid subtropical(Koppen: Cfa), and costal areas (southern) has a true tropical climate (Koppen: Aw). As compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas has subtropical, hot desert climate (Koppen: BWh) which is very hot and dry weather. The hottest temperature of Florida was 109'F and coldest temperature was -2'F. Average temperature of Florida is about 70.7'F. As you can see the temperature, Florida is not that cold area. But they rarely receives snow when a combination of cold moisture and freezing temperature. Florida is the one of the highest precipitation levels of any state but "Sunshine State" is the nickname of Florida. Because eastern part of state receives between 2,400 to 2,800 hours of sunshine annually, and Miami receives between 2,800 to 3,200 hours annually. Florida is the danger area of Hurricane. During 1851 to 2006, they got 114 hurricanes, and 37 of them was major. In 2004, hurricane damaged Florida about 45 billion dollars.

Race of Florida vs. Las Vegas
Florida's race can divide up to two demographic groups which are Cubans and retirees. 2/3 of all Cubans living in America live in Florida, and 3/4 Cubans living in Miami. Also Florida has the highest percentage of foreign-born residents. The racial and ethnic breakdown is, 75% white, 22.5% Hispanic, 16% black, 2.4% Asian. As compare to Las vegas, 62% white, 11% black, 31% Hispanic, and 6.1 Asians.

Tourism of Florida vs. Las Vegas

 "Tourism is the number one industry in Florida" (Mayda, pg.251). In also Las Vegas, it is not much to say that tourism makes Las Vegas people to alive. Florida has 80 million visitors annually, Las Vegas has 36 million. In Florida, has an economic impact of $57 billion annually, but it also has disadvantages which are increasing traffic, health care for retirees, public safety, and environmental destruction. But these disadvantages could be the issues for all tourism-based cities. It should be solved as soon as possible, if it's not, maybe later, we cannot tour those areas anymore.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapter 9 : South Atlantic

South Atlantic vs. Las Vegas
South Atlantic region includes Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The subregions of the Atlantic coastal region between Virginia and Georgia, from the coast through the Piedmont. There are three major subregions which are Southeastern Coast, Southeastern Plain, Piedmont.

Water of South Atlantic vs. Las Vegas
South Atlantic region got ample precipitation throughout the year. They lost about 70 percent of the rainwater by evapotranspiration and the remainder replenishes regional aquifers and streams. There are few lakes along the coastal region from Delaware to Florida which called Carolina bays. As compare to Las Vegas, South Atlantic region has enough precipitation (rainwater), but Las Vegas got only 4 inches of rain per year. Also Las Vegas will suffer by water shortage issue by 2020 because of Lake Mead's water level keeps decreasing.

Climate of South Atlantic vs. Las Vegas
South Atlantic has hot, humid, rainy summers and mild winters in which temperatures rarely drop below freezing. The annual precipitation is about 50 inches in brief thunderstorm torrents or cold winter drizzles. The coastal plain is warmer than the Piedmont, but the humidity is high. As compare to Las Vegas, Las Vegas is most driest city in United States. If Las Vegas summer is hot, it is just hot without humidity but in Piedmont, the temperature is high and humidity is high so it gets people tried so easily. During summer season, the hurricanes and tropical storms can inundate both the shoreline and inland areas.